Thursday, October 11, 2012

Moths moths moths

My love for moths continues...
I can't believe how beautiful light trails can be.  This gorgeous texture and patter created by the moth wings is something that I could never think up.  Why do they spin in circles that way? What is it about their shape that keeps them from flying straight.  Suddenly moths attracted to my front door light is not as annoying.

Anders Fernbach

My cousin Anders is a painter who teaches at Buff State.  One of my earliest inspirations.
I used to go to Thanksgiving at their house in buffalo every year, and would tiptoe around the house looking at paintings and touching the surface of the canvases.  It was my first real introduction to fine art, or oil painting at least, we never really visited galleries.  My favorite was this painting of a girls back with some strange stucture on a desolate landscape.  I think her shirt was bright yellow and she was pulling it over her head.  The way he applied the paint was amazing, It was almost globbed on, but done so perfectly and deliberately. 

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Val Britton

In thinking about mapping...

I love the idea of interpreting a map in a new way.  Maybe this isn't even a map.  But the forms feel like a country that I could visit.  The jumbled borders seem completely real.  I love the way she incorporates the subtle color differences, the lines that feel like travel paths, the tears in the paper.  Val Britton's work is all gorgeous, check it out.